Season 4 | Episode 3 - Prisioners

Plot: After Anakin, Padme, Kit Fisto and Jar Jar Binks are all captured by Riff Tamson, Ahsoka and Prince Lee Char must find a way to free their friends from the grip of the Separatists.

Previous Episode: Season 4 | Episode 2 - Gungan Attack
Next Episode: Not available

Season 4 | Episode 1 and 2 - Water War + Gungan Attack

Plot: The Jedi find now find themselves on the planet of Mon Calamari helping to keep the peace in a civil war. But the Separatists have another plan. Will the Jedi and the inhabitants of Mon Calamari join forces and push back the invaders, or will another planet fall in the hands of the Separatists?

Previous Episode: Season 3 | Episode 22 - Wookie Hunt
Next Episode: Not Available

The Clone Wars | Season 4: Previews, Trailers & TV Spots!

I've decided that I'll be posting every single preview there is of TCW on this post. Yet, as I will be uploading the Star Wars's complete saga and all of the Clone Wars cartoon series, I may change of idea...

Nevertheless, this previews give us clues of the upcoming season - which will probably be focusing under the water! Please, tell me what you think in the comment section and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube Channel for more previews.

Season 3 Finale | Episode 22 - Wookie Hunt

Plot: As Ahsoka and her allies struggle to evade Trandoshan Hunters - their efforts receive an unexpected boost when a new captive - Chewbacca the Wookiee arrives.

Previous Episode: Season 3 | Episode 21 - Padawan Lost
Next Episode: Season 4 | Episode 1

Season 3 | Episode 21 - Padawan Lost

Plot: Ahsoka finds herself trapped on a Trandoshan moon, prey in an elaborate and cruel hunt. She will meet other aspiring young Jedi which will give their best to survive this dreadful nightmare. Whilst this is happening, Anakin is hopelessly trying to find where Ahsoka is, but there is still no sign of her...

Previous Epsiode: Season 3 | Episode 20 - Citadel Rescue
Next Episode: Season 3 | Episode 22 - Wookie Hunt