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Season 2
- Episode 1 - Holocron Heist
- Episode 2 - Cargo of Doom
- Episode 3 - Children of the Force
- Episode 4 - Senate Spy
- Episode 5 - Landing at Point Rain
- Episode 6 - Weapons Factory
- Episode 7 - Legacy of Terror
- Episode 8 - Brain Invaders
- Episode 9 - Grievous Intrigue
- Episode 10 - The Deserter
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- Episode 18 - The Zillo Beast
- Episode 19 - Beast Strikes back!
- Episode 20 - Death Trap
- Episode 21 - R2 Come Home
- Episode 22 - Lethal Trackdown
Season 3
- Episode 1 - Clone Cadets
- Episode 2 - ACR Troopers
- Episode 3 - Supply Lines
- Episode 4 - Sphere of Influence
- Episode 5 - Corruption
- Episode 6 - The Academy
- Episode 7 - Assassin
- Episode 8 - Evil Plans
- Episode 9 - Hunt for Ziro
- Episode 10 - Heroes on Both Sides
- Episode 11 - Pursuit of Peace
- Episode 12 - Nightsisters
- Episode 13 - Monster
- Episode 14 - Witches of the Mist
- Episode 15 - Overlords
- Episode 16 - Altar of Mortis
- Episode 17 - Ghosts of Mortis
- Episode 18 - The Citadel
- Episode 19 - Counter Attack
- Episode 20 - Citadel Rescue
- Episode 21 - Padawan Lost
- Episode 22 - Wookie Hunt
- Other
24 September 2011 at 10:11
That was my honest reaction upon finishing this, oh dear, what did I just watch? thats a good portion of my life I will never get back. Judging by the really, really good start we got too the beginning of Season 3, I was originally expecting something at least a little bit entertaining for the beginning of this season. However, Episodes 1 and 2 proved me wrong, this, however, somehow topped everything that was awful that has been done in the past.
I want to start with my typical rant on the canon situation here, I dont know how he did it, but Dave Filoni actually managed to retcon his OWN SERIES. Yes, hes gone so far as too not only break the canon of a large amount of other Star Wars media, but too actually retcon scenes from his own canon-breaking TV series. A canon break within a canon break, Canonbreakception? I think so!
Your probably wondering what the canon break im speaking of is, its the ending. According to this story arc, the battle of Mon Calamari takes place way after the beginning of the Clone Wars, meaning that the Quarren Isolation league shouldn't exist before this point, now heres issue number 1. The Quarren Isolation league made the Providence-class destroyers which appear in the earlier episodes before this, meaning Filoni just retconned his own work. Not only does it retcon his own work, saying the Quarren Isolation League didn't exist before this point means that tons and tons of Star Wars media featuring the Quarren Isolation League as a major CIS member, just got retconned.
Now, issue number 2, according to this Story arc, the Quarren Isolation league appears to have only existed for like, 2-3 days or something? because thats around the period of time the Quarren and Mon Calamari are against each other in this. This once again retcons a lot of stuff, and its impossible the Quarren did a lot of stuff they did in the expanded universe if their CIS-subunit only existed for 3 DAYS OR LESS.
Issue number 3, the Quarren ARE NOT RULED BY THE MON CALAMARI. The Quarren have their own government, this is how they where able to break off from the republic easily in the first place, they supported the CIS cause and wanted the land they believed the Mon Calamari had taken from them, the Mon Calamari being allies of the Republic, the Quarren went to the CIS for help against the Republic/Mon Calamari, where does this Riff Tamson crap come in? Idk. Im also pretty sure the Quarren had a separate senator even, which further shows they where their own government.
Issue number 4, the Tamson dilemma, in the first episode, we learn Tamson is present because the Quarren obviously see him as a military aid if things get rough, in this episode, we hear he was present before this episode, but why? according to this, the Quarren aren't their own government so they cant call upon the CIS too just waltz into a republic stronghold. TCW, Y U NO MAKE SENSE?
Moving on from massive idiotic lazy canon-defying issues, once again we have a plethora of cliche events, the only thing I liked in this whole episode was Tamson's death, death by explosive knife, I mean seriously, you cant deny explosive knives are cool in at least one form or another. However, may I point out, when Tamson died, his body parts went flying everywhere, when those other random guys died in the same way, they just oddly incinerate.
Speaking of odd incinerations, I noticed that error in this episode a few times, occasionally when a droid was shot, the Aqua droid would just incinerate in a really unrealistic fashion leaving nothing behind at all. I dont know why they did that, it just looks lazy to me, especially considering the fact I like the under-water death animations of them being shot then drifting.
Overall, I actually hated this more than the other one and it gets its well-deserved place as one of the worst TCW episodes. Season 4, please, just please make at least 1-3 good episodes, Season 3 did it, you can too. Or am I asking too much Filoni? 1/5
24 September 2011 at 11:08
To start with, Reff Tamson is seriously evil, he speaks evil and he acts evil, overall a really good villain. But that makes this episode still not much better then the last one.
The prince is still sucking, he speaks like a wannabe wiseguy, i understand that he is still young and he shall sound like a... not that wise one, but he is a no good character when he tries to sound wise.
Filoni has at least made the the show more brutal, wich is...good. How the Mon Cala wins and ends the episode is good but regular, the guys who joins The Seperatists realsises that there where deceived and turns to the good guys.
Just to mention it, when Jar Jar (spits) on Padme to save her is as stupid as it can get, really bad.
I can say it over and over, Reff is so well made character, and is what i think the one character who ceeps this episode as fresh as it can get. When he orders the execution and when he tortures the prisoners for example.
The episode is at least good in ceeping it self intense(because of Reff Tamson of course:)
When the fighting begins it continues with the regular, bad order, The Republic(good guys) destroys some of The Seperatists(bad guys). And then then its The Seppies turn to kill, and this goes over and over.
The ending was one of the biggest disappointments, the bomb-knives that Reff uses to kill the companions of Lee Char is to easy and stupid.
But the the worst part was how Lee Char kills Reff, i just cant understand how Filoni can make a so bad and simpel ending to Reff. I was expecting a good, intense fight between Reff Tamson and The prince with melee fighting and that stuff to let The prince at least look a bit cooler.
But Filoni decided to let Reff get killed by one of his own bomb-knives, and even the reaction of Reff is so wrong by still trying to kill Lee Char when he knows he is going to die.
It makes me want to cry.
Overall, a not so good episode where i give it nearly only plus-points because of Reff Tamson(RIP) AND of course the good environment and animation that TCW brings with it.
24 September 2011 at 11:37
The only good things about this episode were Riff Tamson and Nossor Ri. Ri was the only character that Filoni has created with depth. Other than that, crappy episode. 3/10
24 September 2011 at 13:42
For this entire three-part story, I was genuinely hoping to see someone drown. Maybe a clone or two is shot in the face, and dies screaming as they sink to the bottom and are crushed by the pressure of the water. That was one scene thing that I anticipated in an episode like such, but it didn't happen. In my opinion, the opening to Season 4 ended in disaster. This last episode consisted of nothing more than useless dialogue and a way to tie up loose ends to the last episode.
25 September 2011 at 05:58
This episode was way too predictable. It was obvious from the start that Tamson would be killed by the prince. Filoni, for once can you have a leader of the C.I.S survive because I'm pretty sure that a good amount of C.I.S leaders survive these battles and retreat or are captured. Also it was obvious that Nossor Ri and the Quarren would turn on the C.I.S. One of the worst episodes i've ever seen. It feels like the only episode worse than this was Senate Spy from season 2.